

From September 1938, I had been working part time at the GC&CS , the british code breaking organization. I worked on the cryptanalysis of the Enigma with Dilly Knox, a senior code breaker.  After the July 139, Warsaw meeting with the Polish Cypher Bureau provided details of writing the Enigma rotors. I and Knox started to work on a new approach to the problem. 
On September 4, 1939,   the day after the UK declared war on Germany, I went back to Bletchley Park.
Some of the cryptanalytic advances I made during the war were:
  • the bombe
  • deducing the indicator procedure used by the German navy
  • make a strategy for making much more efficient use of the bombes dubbed Banburismus
  • developing a way for working out the cam settings of the wheels of the Lorenz SZ 40/42 (Tunny) dubbed Turingery
  • the development of a portable secure voice scrambler

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